Meinl Percussion was founded in 1951 by Roland Meinl in Germany. They have for many years made cymbals, congas and a host of other percussion.
"The MEINL Planetary Tuned Gongs are made in Germany in the European gong-making tradition. Using the calculations of Hans Cousto (The Cosmic Octave) to match the frequencies of the sun, moon, and planets, each gong is tuned to produce the corresponding frequency. These gongs are handcrafted by the gong makers to respond with great sensitivity in all playing applications. Their mysterious sound comes from the countless hours spent hand-working the metal. It is atmospheric and soothing.
Paiste Gongs are known world-wide for their high-end quality and beautiful sounds. Made since 1906, four generations of Paiste artisans have passed down the crafting knowledge. Each gong is patiently tempered, to create for a custom sound that can’t be found elsewhere.
"Planet gongs are tuned in conformity with the natural harmonic series based in the orbital properties of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and the Planets according to calculations of Hans Cousto. Thus they resonate in harmony with the cycles of the celestial bodies and communicate a distinct aspect of the 'music of the spheres' so amply quoted since the Antique. Their sound color is extremely mysterious and conveys an unusual, unfathomable atmosphere."

"The Gong is the first and last instrument for the human mind, there is only one thing that can supersede and command the human mind, the sound of the Gong. It is the first sound in the universe, the sound that created this universe. It's the basic creative sound. To the mind, the sound of the gong is like a mother and father that gave it birth. The mind has no power to resist a gong that is well played."
Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga

Gong baths are a transformative journey of healing and deep relaxation, as we bathe every cell of the body in therapeutic sound and vibration. The pure, penetrating sound waves of the gong cleanse the subconscious and awaken the listener to a transcendent state of awareness.
The gong acoustically elevates us, creating a spontaneous meditative state, restoring harmony and vitality to the body and mind. The listener only has to let go and let the sound of the gong do the work. The experience is effortless and the results profound.
The sonic massage will leave you feeling tuned, refreshed and connected with your intuitive personal power.
The gong is arguably the ultimate sound healing tool, as it has the broadest range of tones of any instrument. When played sensitively and well, this vast range of sound literally bathes the human form and re-tunes us on every level – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – thus bringing us back into harmony. Think of the body as an orchestra comprised of many different instruments, some may be “off key” and need re-tuning. The gongs is the tuning medium.
To understand how Sound Healing works, it is important to realize that everything in creation is energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Modern physicists continue to find evidence to support this belief. Even seemingly solid inanimate objects like rocks are forms of energy vibrating at lower frequencies. At the other end of the spectrum, light vibrates at a very high frequency. As human beings we are also vibrating energy forms. Since sound travels five times more efficiently through water than air, the human body, composed of over 70% water, is an excellent conductor for sound and vibrational healing.
When bathed in sound, different areas of the body respond by locking in or “entraining” to the sound and begin to vibrate at the same frequencies. Every part of the body has its own resonant frequency. If there is an imbalance or blocked energy anywhere, the harmonics of the gong stimulate the cells to vibrate in sympathy and to be restored to their highest potential of functioning. Sound vibrations also work on the subtle energy body to help clear energy blockages before they manifest as physical illness or disease.
Sound healing energy has the power and ability to rearrange molecular structure, and pathways within our brain. A gong immersion meditation can induce a theta brainwave state. In this deep meditative state, the body and mind’s natural self-healing processes can be activated and optimized. At levels below our conscious awareness, unconscious belief systems and thought patterns can be released to enhance our experience of life.
Gong Bath are considered one of the most deeply healing and restorative meditations possible, because of the deep state of relaxation attained in response to the sound vibration. Physical relaxation is effortless on the part of the participant as the vibrational frequency of the gong does all the work, leading to the release of stress and healing on a molecular level within the body.

"The Gong is the spirit song. It is the primal whisper of the soul. Its sounds are the echo of the Original Word that created the world, the sound within all sounds. Listen with outer and inner ears. Feel its pulsations and let the millions of vibrations dance and flow through your senses. You will become fearless, relaxed and awakened. The ancients sought this experience on the tops of mountains and at the sacred places. The voice of God would thunder in, spectacular strokes of lightning. The clap of thunder - Bang! Shatter! Roll! Echo! - stopped all thought, stripped away pretense, shook loose the deepest fears, and rejuvenated the nervous system. It created strength, peace and healing. The Gong is that sound. It is the flash of inner light. The mallet is the will of the infinite, the gong, the creation, and the sound is the spirit song, the heartbeat of the soul."
Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga

1. It tunes the physical body and soul to the greatest possible resonance.
2. It "moves" through the whole nervous system, "recharging" the Mind -- Body -- Spirit.
3. Negativity and chaos of the mind is erased.
4. The whole being is "reset: to a state of Synchrony and Alignment.
5. The Gong covers the full spectrum of the sounds, it vibrates all the body's cells, bones and organs.
6. The Gong is like a Sacred Portal, it links the Finite and Infinite experience of the Self.
The gong is arguably the ultimate sound healing tool, as it has the broadest range of tones of any instrument. When played sensitively and well, this vast range of sound literally bathes the human form and re-tunes us on every level – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – thus bringing us back into harmony. Think of the body as an orchestra comprised of many different instruments, some may be “off key” and need re-tuning. The gong is the tuning medium.